Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Old horses

Today I was having a chat over lunch with a colleague of mine. Both of us had been in the industry for almost the same period of time, and having been through the ups and downs in the markets over the years, we are started to feel jaded about the job lately esp given the current market conditions.

After the lehmans crisis, i think any bankers that have gone through that would start to be more defensive with customer's portfolio. Sometimes, we tend to over-think. We are afraid of committing customers to risk even though customers might be ok with it themselves. Think the 'trauma' still linger on with us.

In comparisons, those that are newer in the industry are simply lapping up everything the research reports are saying, and in their eagerness to prove themselves, are getting customers into increasingly aggressive positions despite current market uncertainty.

I don't want to say they are wrong to do that. Maybe we are really over-thinking it. Maybe nothing will happen. Maybe everything will turn out fine. Bull markets might be just round the corner and everyone will be making money and be happy once again. Like the good old days circa 2006.

I just don't really believe it.

End of the day, we bankers are hired by the banks to sell products to customers. Regardless of how you want to call it, re-balancing, positioning, portfolio allocation, financial planning etc, end of the day, we want to make a sale out of it, the bank wants us to sell to customers so that they earn the revenue. Bankers want to sell to you cos they want to earn that commission. We don't sell, the bank loses money on paying our salary, therefore, to cut their losses, the bank cuts your job. Its just business. Nothing personal.

But when personal feelings start to get in the way, maybe it's not the right job for you anymore

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

PM Lee apology

Credit where credit is due, it's refreshing to hear PM Lee admitting and apologizing for 'mistakes' that had been made over the years. It is also admirable of him to stand up to MM Lee and tell voters that he does not feel the same way, and that he sending a reminder (to his dad no less) that he is now the man in charge.

However, the timing and sincerity of the apology left many questions unanswered. Why now?

If the apology had came IMMEDIATELY after the mishaps, I would have praised PAP for finally manning up and admitting to their fallacies.

If the apology had came AFTER THE ELECTIONS, after their expected re-entry as the legit govt for the next 5 years, I would have praised them for being a gentleman, and looked forward to see them carrying out changes.

Now, with the apology coming in the heat of the elections, after denying that there was a problem for so long, why now?? Pressure from opposition?? It seemed to lend weight to the opposition's argument that having a 'co-driver' or simply someone to watch over and instil pressure on the incumbent to do what they are supposed to do, and do it better. Yet another own goal from the PAP?

To PM Lee, thanks for taking the effort, I may give my vote to you as a person if I still reside in Amk, but I do not thing that your party is deserving of it.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Growth and share package

This morning I encountered a long queue outside a local bank at 830am. Opening hour is 9am, but there was easily more than 50 people already in the queue which is far more than normal. I later realised that it was for the encashment of growth and share package cheque.

I remember when I used to work in our local banks, queues like these formed into the hundreds before branch opens during periods like this. Most of these people are the elderly and retirees which needs more attention in filling up forms or where to go etc so we try to help out the best we can.

I remember asking an elderly customer once.

"Why so kiasu auntie?" I said jokingly. "Wait a few more days then encash lah, or just drop into the quick cheque deposit box, tomorrow after 2pm can withdraw via ATM, no need to queue."

I can still remember what she said even now.

"Ah di, auntie no money already. Don't encash now how I am going to buy food for my next meal? I don't have any bank accounts with any banks as I cannot afford the minimum balance required and the banks keep deducting money from me every month!"

There are a lot more of these 'aunties' that I used to encounter almost on daily basis. They are mostly uneducated, illiterate and needs help to use machines or read the english letters the bank sent out. It seemed like the world has passed them by. Worst of all, they did not realised it.

They know that things are getting more expensive, but they don't understand why.

They know that jobs are getting more difficult to come by, but they don't understand why.

What they 'know' is that the government is 'helping' them by giving them money to spend. So they keep voting for the party that is actually causing them their problems in the first place.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

My 1st rally this year

I attended my 1st rally of the year in serangoon stadium last night. It feels like a festival. WP flags, books, newsletters are being peddled around for a fee, people are sitting in and outside the stadium with the whole family, everyone seemed excited. But excited about what??

I paid $2 for a party flag, treating it as a small donation to the party's causes, and went into the stadium. Overwhelming crowd, sea of people everywhere. From the entrance, I couldn't see where the stage is, let alone identify who is speaking and on what issues. Finally managed to squeeze my way in eventually to have a better listen. In all honestly, the whole experience was a bit underwhelming, I had looked forwarded to and expected a better speech with more substance especially from CSM, but what disappointed me more was actually the crowd.

As impressive as the large numbers in the crowd may seem, a majority of them didn't seemed to be there to listen to the candidates speaking, to learn about what the party is doing or trying to do for them. I saw many simply having a picnic in the middle of the field, taking pictures, busy tweeting/facebooking then really listening to what is being said. To many, it's simply nothing more than a novelty, a form of 'entertainment'. Is it a new fad, especially for the younger crowd, to be seen as anti-establishment, a rebel? To be seen at an opposition rally? To take photos and 'check-in' on facebook just because its cool to be seen there?

Personally, that is not my ward. But I was there because I wanted to see how WP had evolved. The party is contesting in my ward, albeit with a different team. Not the 'A-team', but I wanted to get more of a feel on the party, and how they would make things better for us. I remember visiting quite alot of election rallies the last time round and the crowd was visibly different. There is a sense that people were taking things more seriously. This time round, people seemed to be taking it as entertainment, and the speakers seemed to be playing to the crowd as well, making generalistic popular statements that evoke emotions but doesn't really say too much.

I had hoped this election will be different.

I had hoped that it will be a next step towards a better future for us.

But I am not feeling so optimistic.

Lets pray it doesn't end 87 - 0

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Really salute Mr Low Thia Khiang for his decision to move out of his comfort zone in Hougang and contest a GRC in Aljunied. Put me in the same position and I may not have the guts and resolve to do what he did. He could pretty much stay put and keep on doing the same job which he had been doing very well, and drawing a high 'allowance' at the same time. He could treat it as his own little retirement village, a little bit like a small village chief in the old days, where he will live a comfortable life, and commands respect from the people in Hougang.

I used to live in Hougang a long long time again. Long before I knew anything about politics. To me, Hougang was never any different from the nearby AMK (which I moved to next), nice housing, amenities, places of worship etc. Only real 'difference' or question to me at that time was why there are no MRT there. I did not feel that it had been in anyway 'shortchanged' or disadvantaged. There is no reason for me to feel that way.

Only much later in life, just like in the matrix movie, after taking the red pill, did I realise how many things work in our uniquely Singapore context. Learnt new terms, such as 'pork barrel politics', 'gerrymandering', 'character assassination' and 'fear-mongering'.

I often see Mr Low when I visit Hougang. I even see him around my estate once or twice over the last couple of years even though he isn't contesting here. Rumor has it that he attends every single funeral wake or wedding banquets held in Hougang. Not sure how much truth there is to it, but if true, speaks volume for his character. To voters living in PAP wards, I pose this question, "when was the last time you ever saw your MP if they didn't need something (ie your votes) from you?" For me, its easier to strike 4d than to meet my MP.

By choosing this route, he is basically forcing voters that are still sitting on the fence to make a decision. To break status quo. To bring WP and opposition in Singapore to the next level. I sincerely hope he succeed. Its not going to be easy, especially against George Yeo who seemed to be genuinely well-liked by many and to give credit where its due, had been doing a pretty decent job as a foreign minister. The other members in his team are certainly no TPLs and can be counted on to stand on their own feet, but the WP team seems intent to match them all the way by fielding an very impressive lineup as well.

For this election, I finally decided to start doing something. I've volunteered my services as a polling/counting agent with WP.

A small step forward, may it lead to a big leap next.

DBS ramps up offerings to high net worth clients

From Todayonline:

DBS ramps up offerings to high net worth clients
10:30 PM Apr 26, 2011
SINGAPORE - As part of its strategy to grow its assets under management from US$35 billion (S$43 billion) to US$50 billion in the next three years, DBS is ramping up its offerings to the high net-worth segment through a new wealth management platform.

Called Treasures Private Client, the platform is a one-stop shop of private banking and consumer banking solutions to give clients access to everyday transactional banking, along with investment offerings.

Analysts estimate that the number of high net worth individuals, with upwards of US$1 million of investable assets, is set to grow by 40 per cent in Asia in the next three years. Wealth amassed by such individuals in Asia is seen growing by US$80 billion in the same period.

Ms Pearlyn Phau, managing director and regional head, DBS Treasures, said, "We will roll Treasures Private Client out to Singapore and Hong Kong as these are the two key markets. We will roll it out to the rest of our key markets in due course."

"In terms of the growth of our customers in the US$1 million to US$3 million wealth bands, we see exponential growth in the next three years. So this will be the target market we're looking at," she said.

DBS also said that the new platform will have a team of 200 staffers, of which 30 to 40 per cent will be new hires.

Hmm... is it just me or is this new DBS CEO trying to mimic his previous employer? Even the name and the criteria is exactly the same. Just like their adding of 'specialists' and 'consultants' to the investment team. Similarly, can't even be bothered to change a title.

Let me guess what next. Instant credit card issuance? hmmm...

Sure makes the job look easy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I'm getting a bit of news overload lately. My RSS feeds are filled with election news. The local papers are full of articles glorifying the incumbents while the online articles are mainly full of articles 'de-glorifying' them. Its getting real predictable and boring.

Latest topic now is of cos on the sexual orientation of the SDP candidate, and the way the news was brought out. Now you really know things are in full swing.


Honestly unable to garner up any respect for any single of these incumbent MPs/ministers. Totally full of shit and out of touch. Yes, I do witness a lot of stupid singaporeans on a daily basis, but are they really the majority? Will they not be able to see through the bullshit and stunts that you are trying to pull?

Monday, April 25, 2011


Not feeling well over the last couple of days. Basically slept the long weekend away.. sigh... after working so hard, thought I can finally have some time to do my personal stuff. oh well..

Thought i would go home earlier to rest since not feeling so good. Ended up reaching home after 9pm. sigh...

But I spent some time talking to a colleague. Someone junior who I can see works really hard, but is not getting the results that others are getting. Kinda reminded me of myself when I was just starting out in the industry. Unlike me though, he asked. And unlike my seniors back then, I shared and taught.

I remembered back then, I never really asked anyone anything. I tried initially, but very soon I realised, being in a sales role where a newbie is potentially your competitor, the culture is such that the seniors either can't be bothered to even talk to you, or will only teach you the bare minimum, or worse, teach you the wrong things on purpose. I'm kinda glad to be out of that kinda environment.

Speaking of environment, my current workplace is a surprisingly comfortable environment to work in. Despite some hiccups and the obvious sales vs all other departments problems, I have enjoyed working here thus far as compared to my previous workplace. Less politics, less stress, more bonding. Pretty lucky and happy to end up where I am, its just the sales targets that are killing me.

I wonder how long it can last though.

Obviously when the numbers are not there, the stress will come in, and attrition will kick in soon. Then its a whole new process of getting used to new people again. I wonder how many more times I will go through this cycle.

Meet with an old friend for lunch today. Things seemed to be going well for him. Having been working overseas pretty much half the time over the last couple of years, he's finally getting his posting back to Singapore soon. He's planning his wedding and its going to be 2 days before my birthday. haha

Started talking about housing and costs of living and inevitably, on the upcoming elections. He seemed to be very optimistic about change coming along soon. I, however, is not feeling so. I just hope we don't end up with just one opposition seat for the next 5 years.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Finally booked a flat today. A cool half million for a HDB flat. Sigh... Seriously doubt its going to have any resale value or significant price appreciation for this area, its probably going to be another one of my poor investment choices. 80% loan at 2.6% HDB HL rate for 30 years. Monthly installment ~$1600/mth. 400,000 compounded 30 years equivalent ~$860,000. Seriously craaaaaaazy.....

End of the day, I suppose I should stop thinking of it so much of an investment but more as a home. Even if it never appreciates in price, I suppose its somewhere I'm willing to live in until I die. Welcome to a life of mediocrity, a life of middle income class.

Gotta start working harder. 3 more years to completion, 2 more years at most for me to really start saving up. Earn as much as I can, hopefully by then I would have upped my corporate rank and basic pay so that can move on to the next stage into a less stressful department and still have a comfortable enough income to maintain the lifestyle i want a family.

A family... kinda a scary thought.

By the time the house is completed, need to get married...... so.. finally came to this...

The thought of it is pretty daunting. I'm always someone who values privacy. I love being alone, hate crowds, doesn't like socializing. All the wedding dinners, ceremonies, photo taking etc... the thought of it alone is enough to put me off.. add to it the yearly cny dinners, birthdays, festives and what nots... its like my perpetual nightmare x2.

I wish I didn't have to go through all these.

But that's how life is I suppose..

That's how my life is now and going to be.

This is it.

I wish I still dared to dream.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thoughts on CNA TV debate forum

Touted as first time ever in Singapore, unedited, uncensored. It got me all excited staying in on a Saturday night to catch it. Honestly, I was kinda disappointed but I probably got my hopes up a bit too high. Some positives to take away from the whole show though, and it certainly changed my opinions on some of the parties involved. A very good writeup on the performance of the participants are provided here Just like to add some individual comments.

Vincent Wijeysingha from SDP really wooed me. To me and I believe alot of other Singaporeans, the SDP is a party characterized by CSJ. Love him or hate it, its a there isn't much middle ground. Often seen as extreme and attention seeking party by many, I'm pleasantly surprised to see someone like Vincent who speaks well, calm and collected, making decent points for us to think about along the way and backs up his arguments with facts instead of succumbing to emotions. Based on the performance of all present at the debate, he would get be the one getting my vote. 9/10

Minister Tharman was pretty decent too. The 2nd best performance in the entire debate. Calm, speaks clearly, and comes across as sincere and genuine. Didn't say anything that we haven't already heard but doesn't come across as snobbish at all which is not something I can say for most PAP candidates. 8/10

Gerald Giam from WP did decent. Not spectacular, seems to show some nerves, but able to articulate and brings his point across. Nowhere as witty as Vincent from SDP, but bring up some valid points and comes across as genuine was well. Does have a mummy's boy feeling though. Need more experience and perhaps a stronger guiding hand. 6.5/10

Josephine Teo from PAP came across as scripted and fake to me. Maybe I'm biased, but she seemed to have a condensing look and tone when speaking to the opposition which I personally can't stand. Didn't offer much at all. 4/10

Nazem Suki from SDA looks very uncomfortable. The way he keep looking at the fellow opposition members when he speaks and constantly asking for reassurance doesn't inspire confidence. I ended the show not really knowing what he or his party stands for. 4/10

Lina Chiam from SPP comes away from the debate rock bottom. Honestly, whenever the camera pans to her, I cringe a little. There was this period she totally went blank and tried to blame it on a headache or something which I felt totally disgraceful. Did she fall asleep while the others are talking?? I don't know how I can trust a person like this with my vote. 0/10

Thursday, March 31, 2011


Feeling kinda lousy. Sometimes, I feel like I'm doing ok, somedays I feel like I'm doing great, today is one of those days where I basically feel like shit.

Stumbled upon one of my old classmate's record at work today. Finding the name oddly familiar, I did a double check and realised that it was an old uni mate of mine. 5 years since we both parted ways, 5 years since we both started working. We keep in touch every now and then, maybe once a year or so. He's based overseas, so basically I buy him dinner and drinks when he's back, he'll do the same for me when I visit. I know he's doing well, he was always really one step ahead of me all the time back in the days. I get a B, he would get an A. I get an A, he would get A+. I ended up with 2nd class honors, he grabbed 1st class. Sort of a friendly competition really. We motivated each other to do better.

I just didn't expect him to be doing so much better than me.

I always thought I am just one step behind. Now I realised that I have actually been left far behind.

He's living the expatriate lifestyle I wished about, getting the paycheck I'm still working my ass off for, avoiding all the reservists that I keep getting called up for. This sucks. Makes me wonder what the hell am I doing?!

Working for 5 years now. I wouldn't say I really excelled in work, but I do decent. Not the top, but definitely above the average worker. And I got satisfied with it. I started to accept that a simple life is fine. I have my gal and we spend time, do simple stuff and I thought I am happy with it. I supposed deep inside I'm not, no matter how I try to lie to myself about it. I am still a deeply competitive, deeply materialistic person that measures ones worth through monetary means.

Just applied for a HDB flat last month and was offered to go for selection next week. I was pleased. For a while. Then I realised how much my expectations had dropped. I was happy with a place. Any place. I always thought my first property would come before 30, and it would be a condo. Where I can do my favorite exercise of swimming every single day, maybe even twice a day. Where I do not need to pay season parking for my car. To be fair, I started saving up when I started working 5 years ago, at that time, a suburban condo is going for $500,000 or so. Ironically, my new HDB flat is going to cost me almost that much if not more. And I no longer owned, or have any desire to own a car anymore. With the crazy traffic and ERP everywhere, I pay more to arrive later than by train. Although its a more uncomfortable squeeze, but I realised that I am ok with it now. How much exactly have I digress?

I keep asking myself, have I matured and become real pragmatic? Or have I simply given up dreaming that my life is going to turn out any better than it is now? I honestly do not know how much harder I can work, I'm clock a minimum of 12 hours daily, somedays even more. I work Saturdays, and I even feel guilty not working on Sundays! Despite it all, I'm not even sure if I'm gng to hit half of a MP's 'allowance'. Can someone tell me how I can get that part time job? It's even better than Australia's 'best job in the world'!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

On smear campaigns against Tin Pei Ling

I'll put this across bluntly. People of jealous of this gal.

I'll put my hand up and admit it. I am jealous of her, I truly am. Because like many of the netizens, I feel that even I could make a better candidate than her. Nothing against her personally, she's probably a nice gal and all, your average gal next door, but its like.. she just lacks depth... What does she stands for? Who is she speaking for? Her biggest regret is not having brought her parents to Universal Studio?! I mean, seriously??? WTF?! Honestly, with people like her as your MP is like having Ris Low as Miss Singapore. It really really doesn't put Singapore in very good light. Is this really the best we got?

Irregardless, she is going to be someone, that apart from keeping her high-paying day job, gets another 'part-time' job that not only is probably going to pay higher than what you are getting in your full time job, YOU, as a tax payer are going to pay for it and there is nothing you can do about it cos of this bloody joke called the GRC.

In essence, the PAP could put their favorite tea-lady from the minister office say in MM Lee's GRC ward. She could be your next MP! So what if she may hail from China and doesn't speak a word of english and never attended school in her life? What are you going to do about it? You can be a degree holder and work yourself to death and chances are you would not be getting more than her 'part-time' job. To add insult to injury, the money you worked so hard to earn, goes into funding the fat paychecks of people like these. Are we suckers or what?! Angry? No, I'm JEALOUS!

Thats why everyone hates her. They want to be in her shoes.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fukushima 50

I really admire the Fukushima 50 team that is willing to put their lives on the line for the greater good. Instinctively if I were to be placed in the same position, I'll probably tell you that I'm willing to do it too. But realistically, unless I'm bought up in a closed culture like japan, it's very unlikely that I'll feel willing to sacrifice myself. To put it in our local context, would I do it? I probably would have said yes 10 years ago when I still feel a shred of nationalist pride. Not anymore when everywhere I looked are 'outsiders' here to leech off us. I dun blame them. As I have said many times, if there is another country or Govt as stupid liberal in immigration and favoring outsiders as much as ours, I would jump at the chance too.

End of the day, what I'm trying to say here is that as much as I admire the Fukushima 50, chances of me ever being willing to do so have fallen dramatically over the years. Unless the day comes again to make me feel this is my home once again, a home where it's willing to die for me as much as I would be willing to do for it, I'm still gng to be looking for my way out of this shithole

Friday, March 18, 2011


2 weeks of reservist passed in a flash. 1 more week to go before heading back to work.

To be honest, I hate reservist. I find that its a fucking waste of my time, esp when I am in a sales role. In sales, you need to find the momentum, to keep building the relationship with your clients, and just when you feel that you are doing so, you are on track, bamm! you're off for 3 weeks of reservist doing some mindless fuck shit that is going to cost me much more than whatever makeup pay you can give me. I dun care about some $9000 that I will get for serving 10 years of reservist. Its not even in cash, while I would gladly hand over $9000 or even $18,000 in CASH to the government to stop bothering me and leave me alone! I have already given up 2.5 years of my youth, watching me fall behind my female and other foreigners classmates. Its still not enough and you are fully intent to suck another 10 years out of me. WTF?!

I was IT trained back in the days, and given the speed IT moves, after my NS, all I have is a diploma cert that is nothing more than a irrelevant piece of paper and zero working experience, which of cos puts me at a major disadvantage. So what if I had 'sacrificed' my youth to the nation? What do I get in return? Does any employer care? So what if I had gotten a grading of 'Outstanding' in my NS certificate of conduct? Do you have any 'real life' working experience? They used to say that army makes you a man, well, I can't refute that in all honesty. I have never ever felt like a failure anytime in my life until after army when I tried to find work. Every employer puts me down until I almost believed I am a failure. I'll never forget an interviewer telling me that they can get a graduate with experience from overseas for lesser than what I would cost them, so why should they hire me? Sigh... those days were past. My angst are gone. More or less. Somehow I ended up in a different industry, something that I don't really have a passion about, something that I never considered myself doing, but thankfully, I'm still doing decently. I do often wondered though, how things might have been if I had been given the chance to pursue my passion....

Still, life goes on irregardless, so I do try to find positives in it. I try to take reservist as my annual 'vacation' off from work to recharge and restrategise. I get to meet old friends and new people. I get to get my mind off work for a while. I get interesting views, ideas and perspective from different people, people that I may only meet once a year, or maybe even once in my lifetime. People from different age groups from those very young (just ORD) compared to those that are older (gng to ROD). I don't really have a chance to do so in my social circle, most of my peers are around my age give and take a few years, so its kinda refreshing.

I do miss being young though. Reservist makes me feel, or rather, realised that I'm getting old. Where our topics back then was girls and partying, now its about housing, marriage and kids. The place though makes me feel as if I've stepped into a time wrap. Back to the time where there are no camera phones, no 3G/internet. Newspaper are shared around, amusements can be found in the simplest of things. Back then we are gathered in the 'yellow box' (smoking area) dreaming of our future, 8 years later, we are still standing in the same 'yellow box', but no more dreams. Everyone of us knows how harsh the reality is already, and we're all doing our best to survive in it.